Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Life is beautiful,
Hi! don’t you think so too?
Oh, the world is a wonderful place,
Show some deeds of love and grace,
Then joy and beauty will flow around,
Lend a helping hand to ones you’ve found,
Hope is thus brought alive once again,
So we feel good and our spirit we regain,
Wear a happy face; let laughter blaze,
Hear; that’s how to make our world a happy place.

This poem was written by Albert A. Olofinnika.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Quin For A Queen

A quin for a queen,
This one will soothe her sterile gloom,
Another one for her king,
Maybe he’ll hear to be an heir,
One quin for the king’s chief
Who dares to have a dear,
One other one will be for me,
He could make up a mate,
The last must stay with the mother,
At least he could leave a relief.


Bye-bye, bye-bye bully,
Now I’ve known you fully,
All you do is intimidate,
No more will I tolerate.
This poem was written by Albert A. Olofinnika.

Don’t Be Lazy

Don’t be lazy, little one,
Be up and doing all the time,
Wash the dirty dishes
And tidy up your room,
Then you will be neat and fit.

Don’t be lazy, little one,
Learn to read and write well,
Pay attention in class
And do your homework,
Someday, you will be so great.

Don’t be lazy, little one,
A little sleep and a little play,
Work, learn, but pray too,
And be obedient to God and elders,
In no long time, ‘you’re a star!’

This poem was written by Albert A. Olofinnika.